Experiment of a slide-show with constant Far disparity and limited Near disparity. Constant Far: +3.8% respect the image width. Limited Near: -0.8% respect the image width. All images are 1920x1080. See disparity graphic: http://afgalaz.es/stereo/sueltas/23_monitor.gif

My friends in a party
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: -0.8%     Vertical: 0.1%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: 0.4%     Vertical: 0.0%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: 0.1%     Vertical: 0.1%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: -0.8%     Vertical: 0.0%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: -0.8%     Vertical: 0.0%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: 1.9%     Vertical: 0.1%
Far Disparity: 3.8%    Near: 1.8%     Vertical: 0.1%
Far Disparity: 73.3pix    Near:  35.0pix     Vertical: 0.2pix
Disparity Far: 3.8%    Near: -0.8%     Vertical: 0.1%