Pipiriki House - Wanganui river
by Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand 2023-12-26 23:15
At Pipiriki, on the banks of the Whanganui River. Provided the first overnight stop for boats going upstream from Wanganui. Constructed 1899-1903. It burnt down on 10 Mar 1909 and was rebuilt within 9 months. It burnt down again in 1959 and was never rebuilt. (from natlib website)
Frederick George Radcliffe; photographer; circa 1900
Te Papa O.031125
I’ve cleaned up and coloured the original black and white stereoscopic image. The original can be viewed at the Te Papa (museum of New Zealand) website https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz
You can ‘freeview’ this picture - glasses free 3D. Click on the image and select ‘cross view’.