Osborne’s Bullock Team hauling logs along bush tramway, Shannon, 1902
by Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand 2022-01-28 20:12
Cleaned up and colourised image (Photoshop and/or AI websites).
Osborne’s Bullock Team hauling logs along bush tramway, Shannon, 1902 – Hallam, James
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'Written on back with blue pen - Osborne’s Bullock Team Shannon 1902
Osborne’s Bullock Team hauling logs along bush tramway, Shannon, 1902 1 B&W stereoview [mounted twin photographic prints]
Made from glass negative (stereogram) – see Acc.#s2002.002 box 1 negative d.
Mr Taylor, Mr Osborne (2nd & 4th from left) & 4 men (unidentified) with log. Appears to be another man obscured behind 2nd man at right, hat only is visible.
See also – Acc.#s2002.083.0002 print made from one of the glass negative stereo images and used in book – “From Bush & Swamp”, page 84, with caption - The bullock teams had to work as hard as the bushwackers in the timber milling days. Here a bullock team pulls a felled log from the bush along a tramway.
Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”'