Avatar of 3dDigitalPhoto


3 photos, 1 album

Hi to the Stereo crowd. I was introduced and quickly became addicted to sterography around 2003. I'm best known for my photographic phantograms, and typically teach my techniques on making them at NSA and ISU conventions, and showcase and demonstrate them at Maker Faires and other art or science exhibits.

I've produced 6 books of my 3-D imagery, Phantograms from Nature (2005), Pop-Up 3D (2007), Eye-Popping 3-D Pets (Chronicle Books 2009), Crossview 3-D (2011), Eye-Popping 3-D Bugs (Chronicle Books 2011), and most recently Macrophant 3D (2020).

Since December of 2010 I've emailed out a weekly image-of-the-week 3-D image blog.

My website is http://3dDigitalPhoto.com, and anaglyph thumbprints of the 9 years of my image-of-the-weeks are at http://3dDigitalPhoto.com/imageoftheweek.asp

Location: Long Beach, CA, USA

Contact: barry@3ddigitalphoto.com