Avatar of iBen


14 photos, 0 albums

I'm 3D enthusiast since 2009. Another hobby is the production of stereoscopes: http://stereoskop-moustache.beepworld.de

Photo equipment:

- Pair of SonyRX100 Mark3 (synchronized with Sony VMC-MM2)
- Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W3
- cha-cha with Nikon D7100, Huawei P30 Pro, LG G5

Viewing equipment:

- Free-view
- Passive 3D TV
- Loreo viewer
- Cardboard
- Anaglyph glasses
- stereoscope

My 3D Slideshows: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClugW-1CVgwCps2HdydStEw/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0&view_as=subscriber

Photos: https://portfolio.fotocommunity.de/berglemming

Member of: ISU, DGS Germany, 3D Raumbildclub Berlin, Kaiser-Panorama Celle

Location: Berlin

Contact: hoppchen@online.no