Avatar of Hyper_stereo


92 photos, 6 albums

I was born in 1953 and have been interested in stereoscopy since childhood, thanks to a gift: a viewer. It was in the '70s that I obtained my first images, thanks to a meeting with an inventive handyman who had built a device that enabled me to see in relief slides made with a single photo camera, by shifting it approximately. Because of another passion, astrophotography, I abandoned stereoscopy until 2012, when they fused. And it was because of this fusion that I chose hyper-stereoscopy and the adventure began.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank all those who have helped me: Franck Lecrenay, a top-notch professional, for teaching me how to master digital processing; Alain Maury, an astrophysicist, for his images of the southern sky; Pierre Charpentier, a talented engineer, for improving the performance of digital cameras; and Christian Becot, discovered on the web, for his practical and reliable calculator. And then there's my wife, who accompanies and helps me in the field, and that's no mean feat!

Sharing is, of course, one of the reasons I'm here, but it's not the only one: I'm keen to hear your criticisms and to contribute my own experience. On the subject of criticism, I'm not afraid of the ridiculous - since it doesn't kill you - and I'm very keen on teaching, so I dare to show my creations, especially the first ones, with their faults. About my own experience, I'm not afraid of difficulties either, so I made time-lapse videos right from the start, and the first of the images are the ones that enabled these time-lapses to be made.
As I've already written too much, the shooting conditions and equipment used will be described for each image and, so that you don't miss out, the link to the videos will be indicated, specifying that the soundtracks were recorded during the shooting.

IMPORTANTLY, I'm also going to create albums to present the images in the chronological order in which they were made, so that you can see how my experience has evolved.

One last detail: for images that are favorable, use the anaglyph red/cyan full colors.

Enjoy your visit, and please don't hesitate to leave any comments and questions.

Location: The Earth

Contact: 2.3d.natimg@gmail.com