Avatar of Rathinagiri


33 photos, 1 album

It became my habit to render one 3D stereo fractal every day for more than 10 years.

Fractal science became an art when so many fractal artists started creating stunning fractal designs. In DeviantArt.com if you search for the word 'fractal', you get 1.5 million+ fractal images!

On the other hand, stereo photography can be dated back to the invention of the photography itself. I am not a fractal artist or a 3D professional. I am an accountant by profession having some passion in both fractals and 3D. Fascinated by seeing the fractals in 3D, I started rendering myself some of these fractals as I had found that only few people have interest both in fractal designing and 3D stereo combined together. Even after rendering 3000+ fractals, I am still wondering about the variety of fractals and their infinite features. My amatuer fractals can never be compared with professional fractal designs. However, I wanted to show my images to the public and let them enjoy the wonderfulness of 3D and fractals. I want to create interest in stereo3D and fractals among the common people.

Location: India

Contact: stereofractals.com