Sleepy Kitty


Avatar of TBentz

Sleepy Kitty

by TBentz 2019-09-17 23:32

Tinsel is trying to sleep, but I was disturbing her with the flash.

Avatar of Timo

Timo 2020-01-17 15:49

Looks like Topaz Glow, with Smear and Electrify or something like that. Excellent use of Topaz.

Avatar of Timo

Timo 2020-01-17 15:39

Looks like Topaz Glow, with Smear and Electricity or something like that. Excellent use of Topaz.

Avatar of TBentz

TBentz 2019-11-04 00:49

StereoDoro - Sorry I saw your message late! No, Tinsel is not wet. I used one of the artistic filters in Topaz - but I forget which one! It highlighted not only her own fur, but also the loose fur in the foreground.

Avatar of StereoDoro

StereoDoro 2019-10-19 12:59

Tom is Tinsel wet? It's amazing how one can see every single hair. Was it an HDR Photo?


Good composition: 4 Nice 3D effect: 3 Like: 6