Abstract Still Life With A Mirror


Avatar of Robert Marcus Klump

Abstract Still Life With A Mirror

by Robert Marcus Klump 2019-10-19 11:18

Playing around with a mirror and some geometrical objects made of glass and plastic.

Avatar of Robert Marcus Klump

Robert Marcus Klump 2019-11-16 06:37

The noise is already in the original... Thanks for pointing that out, will have to put more attention on that aspect as well (apart from the correct alignment of course). Grain or noise normally do not bother me much (which might be due to my "analogue" history). But in stereo images it is a bit annoying I must admit.

Avatar of JackDesBwa

JackDesBwa 2019-10-21 07:32

The image is very noisy.
Is it the case in the original work or is there an issue with the compression algorithm on Stereopix?

By the way, you have some misalignment and the window placement creates wide window violation.


Good composition: 1 Nice 3D effect: 0 Like: 0