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Avatar of josh


by josh 2020-11-15 13:43

Interaxial distance: 128mm
Location: Kalamunda, Perth, Western Australia
Tonemapped HDR (mantiuk06)

Avatar of josh

josh 2021-01-09 08:58

>You can automate most of the procedure:
>With align_image_stack, you can generate a project file (-p stereo.pto). Then you can open this file with hugin and change the normal control point to a horizontal one, and choose another point to be at the zero depth with exact matching (normal mode) constraint.
>Run the optimization again, HDR-crop again and save (there are commandline ways to do these operations, with autooptimiser and pano_modify, but I let you find the exact command).
>Finally, you can generate the two views with nona from the hugin suite ("nona -g stereo.pto -o out_") and optionally create a SBS with montage of imagemagick ("montage -geometry +0+0 out_0000.tif out_0001.tif stereo.jpg").
Thanks I will try integrating this into my alignment script interactively

Avatar of Sunboy1948

Sunboy1948 2020-12-01 10:12

A truly lovely picture...I could almost feel that I was there.

Avatar of JackDesBwa

JackDesBwa 2020-11-20 13:18

> Maybe I will try manually aligning it
You can automate most of the procedure:
With align_image_stack, you can generate a project file (-p stereo.pto). Then you can open this file with hugin and change the normal control point to a horizontal one, and choose another point to be at the zero depth with exact matching (normal mode) constraint.
Run the optimization again, HDR-crop again and save (there are commandline ways to do these operations, with autooptimiser and pano_modify, but I let you find the exact command).
Finally, you can generate the two views with nona from the hugin suite ("nona -g stereo.pto -o out_") and optionally create a SBS with montage of imagemagick ("montage -geometry +0+0 out_0000.tif out_0001.tif stereo.jpg").

> perhaps [...] not enough control points were generated there.
You will see it while opening the generated project file with hugin :-)

Avatar of josh

josh 2020-11-15 21:03

Thanks! Yep these are aligned automatically using align_image_stack which tries to align the stereo images so that everything around the borders of the image is further away than the stereo window. Usually it works well but in this case I'm not sure what happened to it, perhaps too much repetitive detail at the lower part of the image so not enough control points were generated there. Maybe I will try manually aligning it and reupload.

Avatar of PaTh2018

PaTh2018 2020-11-15 14:44

Very very colorful picture.
But the adjustment?
Maybe this helps:



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