Violette De Grassse
by Timo 2020-06-27 00:14
A perfume bottle from a nice collection at the perfume factory we went to. I shot this with my Lumix macro modified stereo lens, mounted on the Right camera of my Sony a5100 rig. I keep this lens in my camera bag for just such a situation.
You can see me in the reflection of the mirrored back of the display case.
Corrected the title from "Violette De Gras" to "Violet De Grasse".
That's the second time I have misspelled a title of a slide, coincidentally both from a French place name. It's a bit embarrassing.
JosepBarbera 2020-07-26 20:30
Ha, ha, ha...
Merci beaucoup, Jack, pour votre explication. ;-)
JackDesBwa 2020-07-24 15:44
JosepBarbera, une suite de 3 «s» peut apparaître dans certaines onomatopées ou dans des jeux de mots, mais c'est en effet peu fréquent.
Ça arrive aussi parfois dans les fautes de frappe ;-)
JosepBarbera 2020-07-23 23:19
Violette de Grassse...
Les 3 «s» peuvent-ils coexister de suite et ensemble en français ?
Greetings from Spain, Timo.
Timo 2020-06-28 14:23
Thank's Jack. I corrected it.
JackDesBwa 2020-06-27 14:06
The label is cut in the photo, but I think that the name is "Violette de Grasse".
"Grasse" is a town famous for its perfumes whereas "gras" is an adjective or noun meaning fat.