The Magic of Stereo
by Timo 2020-11-13 01:22
This image is from 2013. My son thought of this idea, after I accidentally printed two left images onto a Selfy print. I printed two Right images onto another print and took two images, switching from one print to the other.
The original pair was shot with my Wollensak stereo camera, on Kodachrome. This was a calf owned by my sister-in-Law's uncle in the Czech Republic. I scanned the pair, since it was a favourite on my nieces. It came out of the screen during projection.
I think it worked out well.
JackDesBwa 2020-11-30 12:36
With the explanation, this photo is even more interesting.
Timo 2020-11-26 00:27
Thank you Gregor.
Gregor 2020-11-21 08:00
Super Timo