Euphonium Euphoria


Avatar of wkiraly

Euphonium Euphoria

by wkiraly 2020-04-19 13:36

My friend Thad Badowski and his instrument

Avatar of wkiraly

wkiraly 2020-11-29 20:53

This was taken with paired NX1000 cameras, ProMaster LED Lights. Stereo base was standard about eye width and I believe I was using the Samsung kit lens at 50 MM zoom though I can't guarantee that.

Avatar of Suddenci

Suddenci 2020-08-24 14:59

Hello William. This photo is really impressive !!
How did you do it : cha-cha or twinned cameras ?
What was the stereo base and the distance to the musician ?
I wish I could take such a beautiful photograph one day...


Good composition: 4 Nice 3D effect: 4 Like: 9

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