Lightpainted tree face
by JackDesBwa 2020-09-30 21:49
This photo was submitted to the September 2020 contest of 3dphoto.net forum "Light Painting".
Date taken: 2020-08-20
Camera: LX15 manual sync
Alignment software: Hugin
Post processing notes: Straight out of the camera, except for a small window drawing in the bottom-right.
Additional notes: This face was painted with light (and shadows) on a tree in Le Mans, as part of the summer decorations. It was a symbol to honor people involved making the essential services work during the lockdown (due to Covid-19). I did not realize that it could apply to the subject at first, but this is a nice usage of light-painting worth to share.
-- 2020-08-20, LX15 manual sync
JackDesBwa 2021-01-14 14:58
I would have loved it too, but I was the higher I could. Cropping the bottom with this viewpoint made it less interesting, so I decided to let the top of the cars popping and draw a 3D shaped window to avoid violations.
ron labbe 2020-12-23 01:38
Like this a lot... so much better than a 2D version. I might have cropped out the bottom cars...