by JackDesBwa 2019-10-23 20:48
This photo was taken for February 2019 contest of forum "Made Of Glass".
Glass comes in many, many different forms, but also in variety of meanings. So this is a scene made of (every single meaning I found of) glass:
Obviously, there is a glass, which stays next to the glass bottle. For the joke, I added a trophy in plexiglass but there is also a true glass next to sunglass glasses. All these items can also be seen through the glass. Since I did not find neither a glass nor glasses, I added them as drawings. The last one is a little more subtle: If you watch closely through the glass in the glass, you will find a glass!
With synonyms:
Obviously, there is a container for drinks, which stays next to the bottle in glass material. For the joke, I added a trophy in plexiglass but there is also a true magnifier next to sunglass spectacles. All these items can also be seen through the mirror. Since I did not find neither a hourglass nor binoculars, I added them as drawings. The last one is a little more subtle: If you watch closely through the window in the mirror, you will find a barometer!
-- 2019-02-21, LX15 cha-cha
JackDesBwa 2019-10-23 20:50
The cha-cha is poorly executed. I needed a wide angle to get the composition I wanted (longer focal compress X/Y distances and this would have badly affected the circulation of gaze in the image), as a consequence I had to get closer and thus use cha-cha because of the small base required at this distance. But since I was close, small cha-cha error (eg.vertical parallax) has big effect on the image.
In this case, I did not notice that I moved a little closer, making wrong parallax in all directions! And it is impossible to compensate in post-treatment. Furthermore, I did not kept enough room around my subject to compensate for angular (roll) error.
Despite all, I managed to get this not-so-bad result, after multiple retries. The ugliest part is partially masked by binoculars but attentive eyes will see the flaws which are also particularly high around the edges of the "glass" ;-)