afgalaz | Albums
Album created by afgalaz
XXXIX Jornadas CientÃficas de la SEDECK. El karst de las sierras de Castril y de la Cabrilla.
To be viewed on 23" 3d passive. WARNING: SICKNESS ON SCREENS WIDER THAN 1600MM (72" DIAGONAL)
Album created by afgalaz
Experiment of a slide-show with constant Far disparity and limited Near disparity.
Constant Far: +3.8% respect the image width.
Limited Near: -0.8% respect the image width.
All images are 1920x1080.
See disparity graphic:
Rendered for viewing on 5.5" auto-stereo phones. WARNING: SICKNESS ON SCREENS WIDER THAN 700MM (32" DIAGONAL)
Album created by afgalaz
Experiment of a slide-show with constant Far disparity and limited Near disparity.
Constant Far: +8.2% respect the image width.
Limited Near: -1.5% respect the image width.
All images are 1920x1080.
See disparity graphic:
My take on synchronism discussion
Album created by afgalaz
Images intended to highlight the issues of synchronism
My take on old stereo cards
Album created by afgalaz
This is my take in the discussion on photo-3d about refurbishing old stereo cards.
The examples are downloaded from (Congress Library).
They are aligned and rendered generating two separate left & right aligned images using STMANI3.
Then mixed the aligned images with the unaligned raw scan of the card using GIMP (this step was the most time consuming)