Rhododendron blossom - Rhododendron Blüte


Avatar of Peter

Rhododendron blossom - Rhododendron Blüte

by Peter 2023-06-10 10:55

Rhododendron blossom

Avatar of Peter

Peter 2023-06-21 22:01

Vielen Dank Paul!
Leider war die Blüte nur kurz, wegen der Trockenheit!
VG Peter

Avatar of PaTh2018

PaTh2018 2023-06-21 13:55


Avatar of Peter

Peter 2023-06-11 19:45

Thank you very much, JParcoeur!
I'm glad you like the photo!
This is also a cha-cha photo and adjusted with the StereoPhotoMaker!
Thank you very much!

Avatar of JParcoeur

JParcoeur 2023-06-11 12:35

I like the symmetry of the actual flowers. There seems to be potential for interesting cropping and reuse in mixed images. Well done!


Good composition: 2 Nice 3D effect: 2 Like: 2

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