Tomb of Saint Martin of Tours


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Tomb of Saint Martin of Tours

by JackDesBwa 2020-04-06 19:53

The tomb of Saint Martin of Tours is located in a big basilica itself a small part of the medieval basilica which covered what is now a whole district. More precisely, it lies in the crypt just under the chancel. St. Martin was hugely beloved and the crypt is richly decorated. This is a really impressive place to visit!
Photographing this was a challenge. There are both a lack of light and a large dynamic. The size is also both huge and exiguous. With 24mm-equivalent lens, I bracketed in really uncomfortable position to get the whole scene and merged all the 7×2 photographs into this stereo-HDR.
-- 2018-09-09, LX15 manual sync


Good composition: 1 Nice 3D effect: 1 Like: 2

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