Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand | Albums

War images from 1940

Album created by Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand

37 photos

Images from the book 'Der Kampf im Westen, The War in the West'
This 80 page book was published in Munich in 1940 as the second volume in a two volume combat book set. These 3-dimensional pictures books came with photographic stereo-viewer cards and a fold-up metal device with which the cards could be viewed.
I've selected and coloured a selection from the set of 100.
'100 cards featuring Waffen-SS, Police, Wehrmacht dog handlers, carrier pigeon troops, assault boat teams, heavy flak batteries, field guns, Panzer troops, anti-tank units, bridge builders and engineers'.

The Pink and White Terraces

Album created by Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand

24 photos

A series of images of the Pink and White Terraces that were once located near Rotorua New Zealand. The terraces were completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886.

The Pink and the White Terrace springs were separated by 1.2km, on the shores of lake Rotomahana. A larger lake was formed after the eruption covering/destroying the terraces.

We've cleaned up the original black and white photos and added colour to some of them. Some of these images are from stereoscopic originals and others have been converted to 3D.
3D conversion - Maxwell Pow, Colouring - Duncan Jones

General images

Album created by Stereoscopic Society of New Zealand

139 photos

Main album of New Zealand images