Shining river


Avatar of JackDesBwa

Shining river

by JackDesBwa 2019-10-18 07:28

At the beginning of evening, when the sun started to set behind the high hills, the angle of the light made the river shine.
It was beautiful, but the very high dynamic of the scene and the fast moving water made it hard to capture. Because of movement, a HDR shot was not possible but fortunately, my sensor has great dynamic, especially at low ISO. The shining part is overexposed to get the details in the rest of the scene. There is a slight sync error due to manual clicking but the wide angle make it less obvious.
By the way, did you see the duck?
-- 2019-05-13, LX15 manual sync

Avatar of StereoDoro

StereoDoro 2019-10-19 12:55

I see the duck


Good composition: 2 Nice 3D effect: 3 Like: 3

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