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All published stereophotographs of JackDesBwa

Redoute de Merville
Ceramic monkey
Blind man’s buff
Castle of Falaise
Wind turbines
Observatoire du Gros Banc
Stereoscopy @ Cité des sens
Wild owl
Tree from above
Basket of flowers
Bruguière case
Creature of the forest
Gargoyle fountain
Playground slide, Alençon
A stereoscopic ASCII art
Barbecue fire sync
Macro fly
Saint-Nazaire bridge hyperstereo
Diffusive cube
Concert from above
Wooden art
Vipera aspis
Anechoic chamber
Pop-out jets
xkcd anaglyph
Singing swallow
Chapterhouse in red
Fish drawing
Sun in eUV
End of the Vendôme Column 1871
Painted wood stump
Elevation of France
Ingenuity deployed on Mars
Not a dead-end path
Splash Fox
In Jezero crater on Mars
Perseverance rover
Detail of the Girl with a Pearl Earring
Villandry — View from the belvedere
Villandry — The Water Garden
Holiday decoration
Sculpted door
Hyperstereo of clouds
Phantogram of a kitten
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